The Bathurst Health Service is focused on the provision of safe and equitable access for all users. The trial implementation of new onsite timed parking limits will ensure equitable access to parking for patients, carers, and visitors by improving efficient utilisation of car parking spaces in primary locations and increasing the turnover of spaces across the day. 

Changes to time limits have been informed by car parking studies, staff survey and feedback from stakeholder consultation to introduce an operational trial. The trial will commence on Thursday 16 November 2023 through to early 2024 with new time limits in the following parking areas:
- 10 min designated patient pick-up/drop-off at the Main Entry (outside Ambulatory Care)
- 2-hour parking time limits for the Heritage Building and Main Entry car park
- 30 min parking time limit for the short stay car park clos to ED and Front of House

There are no changes to other car parking zones on the hospital site.

The car park will be monitored at intervals during the trial period, flyers will be placed on all cars to inform visitors time limits are in place in these locations. 

Car park passes will be available for patients who required a longer stay. These will be available from Administration at the Main Entry. 

Access to the hospital including improved car parking, accessibility for patients, staff and visitors, alongside pedestrian and vehicular flows on the campus are under extensive review to support the current operations and future redevelopment. 

For any questions, please email: